Terms and conditions

These Terms and Conditions shall be valid for all betting account activity conducted with Edgeware
Gaming Solutions Ltd., tradingas Betvita, a company duly incorporated and licensed under the laws
of Uganda, hereafter referred to as the "Company".

Please read these Terms carefully before opening an account with the Company. If you have any
questions, contact us for clarification.


‘He’ means both genders.

‘Company’, ‘we’ and ‘our’ means the Company.

‘Client’, ‘User’, ‘you’ or ‘your’ means a person with a Company betting account.

‘Website’ or ‘site’ means www.BetVita.com

‘Terms’ means these Terms & Conditions

Amendments to the Terms

The Terms can be changed at any time by the Company at its own discretion. All changes will
become effective upon their publication on the site.

In case of substantial amendment to the Terms, the Company will give notice to Clients prior to such
amendment taking effect. For minor or insubstantial amendments to the Terms the Company may
not send notification.

Applicable Law

All betting contracts, as well as any other legal relationship between the Client and the Company, for
every circumstance not regulated by the rules and regulation set by National Gaming Board of
Uganda, is subject to Uganda law.
he Courts of Uganda are agreed as the ultimate place of jurisdiction in the event of any dispute
arising between the Client and the Company.

The Company trades as Betvitaunder the auspices of Edgeware Gaming Solutions
Ltd.License #NLGRB- GB-82-009 for betting and License # NLGRB -C-82-010 for casino.

Bet Acceptance & Processing

Each Client must verify that bet details and the amount staked are correct before confirming a bet.
Once confirmed, a bet cannot be changed or cancelled by the Client.

A bet sent to the Company does not become a valid bet until a numbered bet slip has been issued by
the Company. The Company has the right to refuse, accept or partially accept any bet offer that is


Any dispute should immediately be reported to the company by email or telephone and the company
shall use its best efforts to resolve any dispute with Clients.

In the event of any dispute the Client and the company agree that the records on the Company server
logs shall act as the final arbiter in determining the outcome of any claim.

Clients dissatisfied with their treatment by the company have the option of making a complaint to
the Company’s licensor, the Lotteries and Gaming Regulatory Board Uganda.


Circumstances may arise where a bet is confirmed, or a payment is processed, in error.

The following is a non-exhaustive list of such circumstances:

i) When the prices offered by the Company are significantly dissimilar from those available in the
general market;

ii) Where a bet containing dependent events is accidentally accepted, because of human or technical

iii) When a settling (resulting) error is made while computing or crediting the amount of winnings to
a Client account;

iv) When a deposit or withdrawal is incorrectly recorded.

In all such cases the Company reserves the right to correct all financial transactions, cancel accepted
bets relating to the error or re-settling bets at the correct price that should have been available at the
time the bet was placed.

Intellectual Property

Trademarks, domains, logos, images and any other material used by or in the Company’s services
that can be found within its website are protected by copyright and may not be modified,
reproduced or redistributed without the Company’s prior written permission.
You acknowledge and agree that the material and content contained within the websites is made
available for your personal non-commercial use only. Any other use of such content is strictly
prohibited. You agree not to assist or facilitate any third party to copy, reproduce, transmit, publish,
display, distribute, commercially exploit, tamper with or create derivative works of such material
and content.

Legality of Site Use

Use of the site may be illegal in certain countries including, for example, the USA.
Every Client is responsible for determining whether use of the site is compliant with applicable laws
in the jurisdiction in which he is located at the time of usage.

The Company site does not constitute an offer, solicitation or invitation by the Company for the use
of betting or other services in any countries where such activity is or may be illegal.

Liabilities & Warranties

The Company does not warrant the constant availability and functionality of services and may not be
held liable by the Client for any damages, losses, costs, loss of profits or any other disadvantage a
Client may incur in connection with any disconnection from or the non-availability of any of the
services offered by the Company.

The Company cannot be held liable in any case for any damage or loss caused directly or indirectly
by the website, its contents or content provided by a third party. The Company is not liable for any
failures caused by the electronic equipment used by the Client while accessing the website or for
faults due to the internet service provider used by the Client while accessing the website.

The Company assumes no liability for correctness, completeness or up-to-date ness of the
information services provided on its website.


Odds are determined as values subject to change. The company reserves the right to change the
odds-on offer at any time and suspend or close betting on events before the scheduled start time.

Odds are published by the company. The odds are valid at the time of bet placing and are binding for
both parties, regardless of their later changes. Except when (Refund of bets) applies.

Winnings exceeding indicated limit will not be paid out and the client shall not be legally entitled to
the payment of such winnings.
Maximum and Minimum

a) The minimum deposit is 500 UGX (Five hundred Uganda Shillings)

b) The maximum deposit is 3,000,000 UGX (Three Million Uganda Shillings)

c) The minimum stake amount is 1,000 UGX (One Thousand Uganda Shillings)

d) The maximum stake amount is 1,500,000 UGX (One Million Five Hundred Thousand Uganda

e) The maximum payout amount is 40,000,000 UGX (Forty Million Uganda Shillings)
f) The minimum withdrawal request is 1,000 UGX (One Thousand Uganda Shillings)
g) The maximum withdrawal request per transaction is 2,500,000 UGX per day (Two Million Five
Hundred Thousand Uganda Shillings)

Opening and managing you’re Betting Account

Each Client who wants to have access to the services offered by the Company must firstly open a
betting Account. By opening an account and by placing a bet, the user warrants that he has reached
the minimum legal age for participation. In addition, by opening a Company betting account and by
placing a bet, the user confirms that he or she retains the legal capacity to enter into an agreement
with the Company. If one of these conditions is not respected the user's account will be closed.

It is prohibited for Clients to buy, sell or transfer betting accounts to other Clients.

When a new account is opened the Client is responsible for the accuracy of the information provided.
The Company reserves the right to close the account when the information provided is deemed to be
false or inaccurate.

Every betting account is linked with an individual SIM card (phone number) and all account
transactions are unique to that SIM. Funds cannot be transferred from one account / SIM to another.
The Company retains the right to close the betting account(s) of any Client who has opened multiple
betting accounts under his name, or under different names, if it has reasonable grounds to believe
that those multiple betting accounts (even if under different names) have been opened with the
intention of deceiving the company by masking the totality of the betting activity of any individual or
syndicate or to defeat company bet limits. The Company also reserves the right to cancel any
transactions related to such deceit.

After opening an account, the Client must keep his account access details secret as all transactions
where access details been entered correctly will be regarded as valid. The Company shall not be
liable for any claims in the event that the Client gives away, tells, shares, fails to protect or loses his
access details.

The Client is entitled to apply for the closure or suspension of his Account whenever he/she wishes
by making a request to Customer Services by email or telephone. The closure of the Account will
correspond to the termination of the Terms. In case the reason behind the closure of the Account is
related to concerns about gambling addiction the Client shall indicate it.

In accordance with the company’s legal obligations all personal details saved in our system will only
be deleted at a Client's express request after the expiration of seven (7) years.


We will take all reasonable steps to ensure that your information is kept secure and protected. All
personal data is stored in the database of the company and will not be passed on to third parties
except as required by Uganda law.

The Company reserves the right to relay suspected offenders’ details to sporting bodies or
authorities which deal with the investigation of offences concerning match-fixing or price

Collection and Usage of Information
The information and data about you which we may collect, use and process includes the following:

1. Information that you provide to us by filling in forms on the Website or any other information you
submit to us via the Website or email;

2. Records of correspondence, whether via the Website, email, telephone or other means;

3. Your responses to surveys or customer research that we carry out;

4. Details of the transactions you carry out with us and

5. Details of your visits to the Website including, but not limited to, traffic data, location data,
weblogs and other communication data.

We may use your personal information and data together with other information for the purposes

1. Processing your bets and payments;

2. Setting up, operating and managing your account;

3. Complying with our legal and regulatory duties;

4. Carrying out customer research, surveys and analyses;

5. Providing you with information about promotional offers and our products and services, where
you have consented; and

6. Monitoring transactions for the purposes of preventing fraud, irregular betting, money laundering
and cheating.


If any provision of the Terms is found by any court or administrative body of competent jurisdiction
to be invalid or unenforceable, such invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect the other
provisions of the Terms which shall remain in full force and effect. In such instances, the part
declared invalid or unenforceable shall be amended in a manner consistent with the applicable law
to reflect, as closely as possible, the Company’s original intent.


The Company may terminate your account (including your username and password) if we believe
that you have breached any of these Terms or any other applicable rules or have acted in a manner
inconsistent with the spirit of any of them.

You acknowledge that the Company does not have to give you prior notice of any such termination.
An account temporarily suspended at your request may be reopened and will be subject to the
Terms in force at the date of the re-opening.

The Company retains the right to exclude Clients from its services. In this case, it will refund the
residual credit balance in the account. If the Account has been closed due to an infringement
pursuant to the Terms or to a prohibited behavior leading to collusion, fraud or whatsoever criminal
activity, the residual credit balance may be forfeited. The same procedure will be applied to open
bets that result in winnings.

Dormant Accounts

Should your account become dormant (defined as a period of 12 (twelve) months of inactivity) the
Company reserves the right to charge a monthly administration fee.


The Client shall choose a secure password that only they know. A secure password should be at least
8 characters long and include at least one lowercase character, one uppercase character and one
number. The client can at any time change their password through the user menu and should do so
at least quarterly.

Underage Betting

By registering on the website www.BetVita.com and placing a bet, the Client confirms that he has
reached the age of 25.

The Company reserves the right to verify any Client’s age and to exclude Clients from its services if
there are doubts regarding the attainment of the minimum age.

Any Client using the Company services who is identified as underage shall have all winnings
forfeited and his betting account disabled.

Verification of Identity / AML (anti money laundering)

You warrant that the details you supply when opening or updating your account are correct and you
are the rightful owner of the money which you at any time deposit in your account.

You authorize the Company to undertake verification checks from time to time as the Company itself
may require or may be required by third parties (including, but not limited to, regulatory bodies) to
confirm these facts.

You agree that from time to time, upon our request, you may be required to provide additional
details in respect of any of information you have provided the Company, including in relation to any
deposits which you have made into your account.

In certain circumstances the Company may have to contact you and ask you to provide further
personal information such as: a notarized ID, proof of address, utility bill or financial details. Until
such information has been supplied to its satisfaction, the Company may prevent any activity in
relation to the account.

Where the Company reasonably believes that deliberately incorrect information has been provided,
the Company may retain any amount deposited.

Deposits, Withdrawals, and Bonuses

You should only deposit money in your account for you using such money to place bets/stakes on
our platforms. We shall be entitled to suspend or close your account if we reasonably consider or
have reason to believe that you are depositing money without any intention to place bets/stakes.
Bonus funds may be credited to your account as part of a promotion, loyalty, or any other marketing
campaign. These funds cannot be directly withdrawn/paid-out but must be used for placing bets.
Depending on the promotion, these credits may be convertible into hard currency after fulfilling a
specific set of Terms and Conditions associated with the promotion.

You can at any time log in to your account and view a statement showing all transactions made
within the last 30 Calendar days. Any existing cash bonus is valid for 30 days from the date awarded.
Our bonuses are a limited-time offer. A player must meet the play requirements before the
expiration date. If you are not able to meet the play requirements by the expiration date, the bonus,
or a combination of bonus and winning amounts will be removed when the bonus expires.

Should you attempt to withdraw funds that were deposited but not used for staking, the Company
may levy a processing fee of 10% upon such withdrawals. Additionally, should these transactions be
deemed suspicious, the Company will report the activity to the appropriate authority and the player
may lose these funds.

Betvita reserves the right to withdraw any promotions or offers without giving any prior notice.


The referral bonus is thank you from us, for telling your friends about Betvita. We reserve the right
to decline referral payouts for accounts that displays fraudulent behavior. If a Client is found to
introduce non-existent account holders, invalid numbers or persons unaware their phone number
was used to create Reward payments, we will remove the Referral Rewards from the Referrer.

If a Referrer is referring more than three people per day, they must seek approval from the
Company, to receive the Referral Rewards. The Company reserves the right to block accounts
showing this behavior, until the approval has been granted.

Final Provision

Clients are required to follow these terms and conditions as well as any other generally binding
regulations applicable to the participation in the internet sports betting. If placing bets is not
available due to extraordinary events, the company is not liable for any damages that clients might
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